1423 results
Explanted liver of a 9-year-old girl with acute liver failure due to acetaminophen overdose.

#liver #transplantation #gross
Explanted liver ... pathology #clinical #explanted
Stenosing Flexor Tenosynovitis or Trigger Finger on Physical Exam

Dr. Sergi Barrera @dr.sergibarrera

#TriggerFinger #Trigger #Finger #Stenosing #flexor
tenosynovitis #msk ... #orthopedics #rheumatology
Dupuytren's Contracture (Palmar Fibromatosis) on Physical Exam

#Dupuytrens #Contracture #Palmar #Fibromatosis #clinical #video #physicalexam #msk #hand #orthopedics
#physicalexam #msk ... #orthopedics #rheumatology
Thrombotic Microangiopathies In Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

Dr. Laurent ARNAUD @Lupusreference

#TMAs #Thrombotic #Microangiopathies #Systemic #Lupus #Erythematosus #SLE #hematology
Erythematosus #SLE #hematology ... #rheumatology #
The cardiac cycle and the ECG, all together explained

#Pathophysiology #Cardiology #CardiacCycle #Stages #Systole #Diastole #HeardSounds #Pressures
, all together explained
Understanding & Treating ARDS - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

•  Timing - within one week of
opacities not explained ... respiratory failure not explained
Coagulation Cascade and Anticoagulant Sites of Action

- Amy Chung, MD, MSc https://twitter.com/AmyChung

#AntiCoagulation #Cascade #Anticoagulants #Medications #Pharmacology
Amy Chung, MD, MSc ... Mechanisms #DOAC #Hematology
Thrombocytosis - Differential Diagnosis
Platelet Count > 450
 • Anemia/blood loss (Fe deficiency)
 • Infection/Sepsis
 • Non-infectious
Non-infectious (malignancy, rheumatologic ... causes #Platelets #hematology
Placental Abruption 
Premature separation of the implanted placenta from the uterine wall 
PAINFUL vaginal bleeding but..
separation of the implanted
Medial Approach Knee Intra-articular Corticosteroid Injection 

Landmark 1/3 to 1/2 way from top of patella. Find
physicalexam #procedure #msk ... orthopedics #sports #rheumatology