530 results
Anatomical Directions

Left/Right: the patient's left/right

Anterior/Ventral: front, or towards the patient's front

Posterior/Dorsal: back, or towards the rear
Anterior/Ventral: front ... the patient's front ... Anatomical #Directions #Anatomy
The left main pulmonary artery (in purple) passes over the left main bronchus and is higher
which passes in front ... #Clinical #Anatomy
Can’t Intubate, Can’t Oxygenate (CICO) - Guidelines for Crises in Anaesthesia
This is the last resort when
❻ Prepare for Front ... the laryngeal anatomy
Causes of Blurred vision, Blindness, Scotomata by Anatomic Location

#Blurred #vision #Blurry #Scotomata #Anatomy #differential #diagnosis #ophthalmology
, Scotomata by Anatomic ... Blurry #Scotomata #Anatomy
Zones of the Neck - Landmarks and Anatomic Structures

#Anatomy #Neck #Zones #III #Anatomic #Structures
Landmarks and Anatomic ... Structures #Anatomy ... Neck #Zones #III #Anatomic
Anatomic Snuff Box
 • 3 'P' Muscles - Abductor Pollicis Longus, Extensor Pollicis Brevis, Extensor Pollicis
Anatomic Snuff Box ... #Snuff #Box #Anatomy
Cranial Nerves - Anatomy Mnemonic

By @rev.med

#Cranial #Nerves #Anatomy #Mnemonic #Neurology #neuroanatomy
Cranial Nerves - Anatomy ... Cranial #Nerves #Anatomy
Chest XRay Anatomy Labeled

#Clinical #Radiology #Anatomy #CXR #ChestXRay #Labeled
Chest XRay Anatomy ... Clinical #Radiology #Anatomy
Cranial Nerves - Anatomy, Clinical Signs and Study Tips
#Anatomy #CranialNerves #MedicalStudent #Overview
Cranial Nerves - Anatomy ... and Study Tips #Anatomy
Radius and Ulna Anatomy

By @rev.med

#Radius #Ulna #Anatomy #Bones #orthopedics #MSK
Radius and Ulna Anatomy ... #Radius #Ulna #Anatomy