686 results
Janeway Lesions in Endocarditis seen on Physical Exam 

Dr Supradip Ghosh

36 year old male with history
Blood cultures growing ... sister shared these photos ... PhysicalExam #clinical #photo
Lipoma: Benign, slow growing, subcutaneous skin growth. In this case, the lipoma is rather large
and located
: Benign, slow growing ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Maxillary Torus: Inappropriate bony growth in the roof of the mouth. Slow growing and nonmalignant,
though can
Slow growing and ... Images #Clinical #Photo
Antibiotic Sensitivities
Note that this chart is one of empiric bacterial sensitivities. However, with time antibiotic resistance
resistance has become a growing ... some bacteria growing
#Assessment, #management and #prevention of exacerbations are anticipated to change significantly in the future. As described,
be resolved by grouping
Keeping up with Atypical Antipsychotics (aka second generation antipsychotics - SGA). I'll be posting series of
their names by grouping
Sydenham Chorea on Physical Exam

Milkmaid's grip sign seen with hand gripping.

#Milkmaids #Sydenham #Chorea #PhysicalExam #milking #sign
seen with hand gripping
Clamp Types - Common Surgical Instruments
Also called locking forceps, these are ratcheted instruments used to hold
similar function for grasping ... both are used for grasping
Rapidly Growing Mycobacterial Infections

 • Mycobacterium abscessus - Is the most pathogenic and the most likely
Rapidly Growing ... TheIDtrivia #Rapidly #Growing
Salter-Harris Classification
Salter-Harris Fractures involve the physis and cartilaginous epiphyseal plate near the ends of the long
bones in still growing