7167 results
Hydropneumothorax on Lung POCUS

HIV/AID(CD4<250) with cough, dyspnea.Left lung anterior mid. Left lung. Findings consistent with PNA.
Hydropneumothorax ... RJonesSonoEM #hydropneumothorax ... bubbles #POCUS #clinical
The retracted visceral pleura is seen (blue arrow) which indicates that there is a pneumothorax.
There is
#Clinical #Radiology ... #Pneumothorax #Hydropneumothorax
There is a hydropneumothorax.
Notice the air-fluid level (blue arrow).
The upper lobe is still attached to the
There is a hydropneumothorax ... #Clinical #Radiology
Esophageal Rupture with Gastric Contents seen on Lung Ultrasound
Middle aged patient with oesophageal Ca presents generally
Likely hydropneumothorax ... oesophageal rupture, hydropneumothorax ... Ultrasound #POCUS #clinical
The retracted visceral pleura is seen which indicates that there is a pneumothorax.
There is a horizontal
#Clinical #Radiology ... #Pneumothorax #Hydropneumothorax
There is a hydropneumothorax.
Notice the air-fluid level.
The upper lobe is still attached to the chest wall
There is a hydropneumothorax ... #Clinical #Radiology
Common pediatric rashes you see in clinic. How to differentiate them? Name that rash.

#pediatrics #peds #rashes
rashes you see in clinic ... #peds #rashes #clinical
Dengue Illness - Clinical Course of the Disease - Febrile, Critical, Recovery phases
 • Days of
Dengue Illness - Clinical ... Disease - Febrile, Critical ... • Potential clinical
Cranial Nerves - Anatomy, Clinical Signs and Study Tips
#Anatomy #CranialNerves #MedicalStudent #Overview
Nerves - Anatomy, Clinical
Chest XRay Anatomy Labeled

#Clinical #Radiology #Anatomy #CXR #ChestXRay #Labeled
Anatomy Labeled #Clinical