106 results
Mucoid impaction
Mucus plugs or mucoid impaction can mimick the appearance of lung nodules or a mass.
Mucoid impaction ... plugs or mucoid impaction ... differentiating mucus impaction ... Mucoid impaction ... bronchiectasis with mucoid impaction
Femoral Head Fracture: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Posterior hip dislocation -> Impaction force from femoral
dislocation -> Impaction ... dislocation -> Impaction
Coronary Artery Anatomy on Angiogram - Angiographic projection made simple

Dr. Kazi Ferdous @fazalabul

#CoronaryArtery #Anatomy #Angiogram #Angiographic
Angiographic #projection #cathlab
Right Ventricular Non-compaction on Ventriculogram

RV angio with NIH Catheter. Prominent recesses give the appearance called Pile
Ventricular Non-compaction ... angiogram #RVgram #cathlab
Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Cardiomyopathy
First described 80 years or so ago, it occurs secondary to the failure
Ventricular Non-Compaction ... sometimes RV) compaction ... When compaction
Coronary Artery Pseudoaneurysm and Fistula to Coronary Sinus

#Coronary #Pseudoaneurysm #Fistula #clinical #cardiology #cathlab #fluoroscopy #angiography
clinical #cardiology #cathlab
Mechanical Valve Dehiscence - Leaflet Malfunction on Fluoroscopy

Dr Gopalan Rajesh @DrRajeshG1

#Mechanical #Valve #Dehiscence #Leaflet #Malfunction #clinical
#Fluoroscopy #cathlab
On the left we see a chest film with a typical finger-in-glove shadow.
The HRCT shows focal
extensive mucoid impaction
Apical Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy with Perforation

#Apical #Takotsubo #Cardiomyopathy #Perforation #clinical #cardiology #ventriculogram #LVgram #angiogram #angiography #cathLab #rupture
#angiography #cathLab
Left Ventricular Diverticulum on Ventriculogram

Dr. Tony Main @TonyMain6

#Ventricular #Diverticulum #Ventriculogram #clinical #cardiology #fluoroscopy #cathlab #angiography #crypt
#fluoroscopy #cathlab