3109 results
Femoral Triangle - Inguinal Anatomy
 - Structures, Borders and Content
 - Lateral → Medial:Femoral Nerve, Femoral
Femoral Triangle - Inguinal ... Femoral #Triangle #Inguinal
Inguinal Hernia on POCUS with Valsalva

Dr. Michael I. Prats @PratsEM

#Inguinal #Hernia #Valsalva #POCUS #clinical #ultrasound
Inguinal Hernia ... Prats @PratsEM #Inguinal
Paediatric inguinal hernia #Pathophys #Anatomy #Peds #InguinalHernia #Hydrocele #ScrotalDescent #ProcessusVaginalis #TunicaVaginalis #BMJ
Paediatric inguinal
Types of abdominal hernias
Inguinal (70.7%)
Umbilical (13.9%)
Epigastric (6.6%)
Incisional (4.7%)
abdominal hernias - Inguinal
Small Bowel Obstruction from Indirect Inguinal Hernia on POCUS

SBO from this patient's large irreducible indirect inguinal
from Indirect Inguinal ... Hernia on POCUS SBO ... irreducible indirect inguinal ... #Obstruction #SBO ... #Indirect #Inguinal
Lymph Node Anatomy
Waldeyer Ring, Pre-auricular, Cervical, Occipital, Supraclavicular, Infraclavicular, Pectoral, Axillary, Mediastinal, Hilar, Epitrochlear, Brachial, Spleen,
Paraaortic, Iliac, Inguinal
Inguinal hernia on Scrotal POCUS

Bowel loops in the testes...Strangulated inguinal hernia

Dr. Stephen Alerhand @SAlerhand

#Inguinal #hernia #Scrotal
Inguinal hernia ... ..Strangulated inguinal ... @SAlerhand #Inguinal ... clinical #ultrasound #SBO
Bone Tumor Location within the Skeleton

Only a few lesions are located in the epiphysis, so
the epiphysis, so ... Metaphysis: NOF, SBC ... Ewing's sarcoma, SBC ... Diaphysis #Epiphysis #Radiology
Small bowel obstruction

pain in abdomen; history of previous abdominal surgery
 - Dilated bowel loops
 - multiple
abdomen #Clinical #Radiology ... AbdominalXRay #SBO
Bloating and Belching - Differential Diagnosis Framework and Workup
"The gastric bloater" - Gastric outlet obstruction, Gastroparesis,
bloater" - Dietary, SIBO ... Celiac disease, SBO