2505 results
Intern Pocket Cards - Increasing Levels of Care

 • Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
 • Intermediate Care/Step-Down
Increasing Levels of Care ... • Intensive Care ... • Intermediate Care ... / Progressive Care ... Discharge #table #internship
A 70 year old was presented to the urgent care center with severe retrosternal chest pain
to the urgent care ... Cardiomyopathy #BrokenHeart
Another Takotsubo.

68F actually presented after some very joyous news in contrast to the usual 'broken heart
Cardiomyopathy #BrokenHeart
Intern Pocket Cards - Electrolyte Repletion Guide
Electrolyte Repletion:
 - Potassium (ref range 3.5-4.5)
 - Magnesium (ref
management #inpatient #internship
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy on POCUS Echocardiogram

Patient is in shock. POCUS RUSH exam shows the shock is cardiogenic.
Cardiomyopathy #BrokenHeart
Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy - Right Ventricular Involvement 

In up to 1/4 of cases of stress cardiomyopathy (takotsubo),
Cardiomyopathy #RightSided #BrokenHeart
Intern Pocket Cards - Inpatient Bowel Regimen Guide
Osmotic agents (draws water into bowel, thereby loosening stool
table #agents #internship
Intern Pocket Cards - Inpatient Blood Pressure Management Guide
 • Metoprolol, Carvedilol, Labetalol
 • Bradycardia, heart
table #agents #internship
Management of patients with known or suspected malignant pleural effusion (MPE) - An Official ATS/STS/STR Clinical
**Physicians are ... individualized on a case-by-case ... Escalation of care ... should be made on a case-by-case ... recommended if there are
Intern Pocket Cards - Pharmacologic Pain Management Options
 • Acetaminophen (24 hours: < 3-4g in healthy
pharmacology #agents #internship