3367 results
ER Care of the Lactating Patient - FOAMCast @FOAMpodcast

#Diagnosis #Management #Lactating #Lactation #Patient #Evaluation #PumpAndDump #Overview
the Lactating Patient ... Management #Lactating #Lactation ... #Patient #Evaluation
Mastitis in the Lactating Woman - FOAMCast @FOAMpodcast

#Diagnosis #Management #Mastitis #Lactating #Patient #Lactation #FOAMCast
Mastitis #Lactating #Patient ... #Lactation #FOAMCast
Medications During Breastfeeding - FOAMCast @FOAMpodcast

#Pharmacology #Medications #Lactating #Lactation #Patients #Safety #Table #FOAMCast
Medications #Lactating #Lactation ... #Patients #Safety
Clarke's Test (Patellar Grind Test)

Indicates Patellofemoral dysfunction.
 - Patient with knee in extension. Push posterior on
- Patient with ... of patella then ask ... patient to perform ... Patellofemoral #msk
Alternatives to opioids for pain management in the emergency department decreases opioid usage and maintains patient
and maintains patient ... Pathways #Table #MSK
Pace Maneuver for Piriformis Syndrome

With the patient's hips and needs flexed to 90 degrees, the patient
Syndrome With the patient's ... 90 degrees, the patient ... lumbar #sciatica #msk
Amsterdam Wrist Rules
Rules that dictate which patients require imaging based on the likelihood of wrist fracture
dictate which patients ... fracture in a patient ... fracture #radiology #msk
Acid Base Disorders Worksheet

Step 1: Gather the necessary data (Na+, CI-, HCO3-, PH, pCO2). Preferably, all
If pH >7.4 the patient ... If pH < 7.4 the patient ... If pCO2 is >40 patient's ... If pCO2 is -Y patient's ... : Check if the patient
Obstetric patients often pose challenges to anesthesiologists, as lab values and parameters vary from a non-pregnant
Obstetric patients ... a non-pregnant patient ... changes in pregnant patients ... when interpreting patient ... the Obstetric Patient
Patent ductus arteriosus in an adult patient

Ivan Stankovic, MD, PhD @Ivan_Echocardio

#PDA #Patent #ductus #arteriosus #Echocardiogram #clinical
Patent ductus arteriosus ... in an adult patient ... Ivan_Echocardio #PDA #Patent