735 results
On the left another patient with a large cardiac silhouette on the chest x-ray due to
patient with a large ... PericardialEffusion #RadiologyAssistant
The CT-image shows a large pericardial effusion.
Always compare these post-operative chest films with the pre-operative ones.
CT-image shows a large ... PericardialEffusion #RadiologyAssistant
Here another patient who had valve-replacement.
Notice the large heart size.
There is redistribution of the pulmonary vessels
Notice the large ... PulmonaryEdema #RadiologyAssistant
Here an example of a large lesion in the right lower lobe, which is difficult to
an example of a large ... Subtle #Diaphragm #RadiologyAssistant
Pericardial effusion
Whenever we encounter a large heart figure, we should always be aware of the possibility
we encounter a large ... effusion simulating a large ... PericardialEffusion #RadiologyAssistant
Diffuse consolidation
The most common cause of diffuse consolidation is pulmonary edema due to heart failure.
This is
patients who have a large ... #Differential #RadiologyAssistant
There is a large pericardial effusion, which is located posteriorly to the left ventricle (blue arrow).
There is a large ... At surgery a large ... PericardialEffusion #RadiologyAssistant
Subsolid nodules
Most subsolid nodules are transient and the result of infection or hemorrhage.
However, persistent subsolid nodules
studies suggest that larger ... PulmonaryNodule #Followup #RadiologyAssistant
These images are of a patient who had widespread bronchopneumonia and was on ventilation.
During follow up
was caused by a large ... MucousPlugging #RadiologyAssistant
10% of lungcancers cavitate, most commonly squamous cell carcinoma.
Small cell lungcancer does not cavitate.
Bronchoalveolar carcinoma, or
chest x-ray of a large ... Cavity #Cavitary #RadiologyAssistant