Subsolid nodules
Most subsolid nodules are transient and the result of infection or hemorrhage.
However, persistent subsolid nodules often represent pathology in the adenocarcinomatous spectrum.
No reliable distinction can be made radiologically, although studies suggest that larger size and a solid component are associated with more invasive behaviour.
Compared to solid lesions, persistent subsolid nodules have a much slower growth rate, but carry a much higher risk of malignancy.
In a study by Henschke et al., part-solid nodules were malignant in 63%, pure groundglass SSNs in 18% and solid nodules only in 7% [4]. #Diagnosis #Radiology #Pulmonary #Fleischner #Guideline #Subsolid #Nodule #PulmonaryNodule #Followup #RadiologyAssistant