5 results
Shawl sign poikiloderma in Dermatomyositis

Poikiloderma in general is a common finding in older individuals with chronic
Shawl sign poikiloderma ... RashDecisionz #Shawl ... #Rash #Dermatomyositis ... #Dermatology #Clinical ... #Photo #Neck
Dermatomyositis with heliotrope rash, shawl sign, and Gottron's papules

A middle-aged man describes progressive difficulty combing his
with heliotrope rash ... , shawl sign, and ... , 2) shawl sign, ... #dermatology #clinical ... #photo
Glucagonoma-Associated Rash - The rash involved the arms, genitals, and buttocks and had progressed to the
progressed to the legs ... on the legs began ... resolve (Panel D) #Clinical ... #HONC #Derm #Pathology ... #CT #NEJM
Anti-NXP-2 Dermatomyositis

DM with generalized subcutaneous edema
Pts have more myalgias, more severe weakness, and an increased prevalence
(blue-purple) rash ... • Erythematous rash ... shoulders (in a shawl ... auricular papules Clinical ... #rheumatology #dermatology
Pyoderma Gangrenosum in Ulcerative Colitis- ...left chest (Panel A) and leg (Panel B). The physical examination
(Panel A) and leg ... second most common dermatologic ... #clinical #photo ... #NEJM #pyoderma ... ulcerative #colitis #derm