2130 results
Retroperitoneal Space Anatomy
Fascial Anatomy: 
 - Anterior Renal Fascia
 - Lateroconal Fascia
 - Posterior Renal Fascia
Space Anatomy Fascial ... Anterior Renal Fascia ... - Lateroconal Fascia ... Posterior Renal Fascia ... Transversalis Fascia
Necrotizing Fasciitis - Three cut-sections of the anterior chest wall skin, fat, fascia, pectoralis muscles, and
wall skin, fat, fascia ... infection within the fascial
Wall-eyed bilateral inter nuclear ophthalmoplegia (WEBINO) Syndrome

In this specific case, the lesion is bilaterally in the
medial longitudinal fascicle ... Neurology #Clinical #Video
Liver Flukes on ERCP
Here are liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica) extracted from the bile duct during ERCP
liver flukes (Fasciola ... #Flukes #ERCP #Fasciola
Differential diagnosis for pyogenic liver abscess:
Infectious etiologies predominate. Most are pyogenic (bacterial). Amebic (Entamoeba histolytica) and
Echinococcus) • Fasciola
Fasciola hepatica - Liver Fluke Life Cycle - Fascioliasis 
Ruminants are the typical definitive hosts.
1) Unembroynated
Fasciola hepatica ... biliary ducts #Fasciola ... #hepatica #LiverFluke
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Lower Limb Local Nerve Blocks

 - Fascia Iliaca
 - Femoral
Nerve Blocks - Fascia
POCUS - Regional Anesthesia - Trauma Local Nerve Block

 - Ribs
 - Serratus
 - Fascia Iliaca
- Serratus - Fascia
Fournier’s Gangrene - Physical examination was notable for necrotic-appearing tissue in the scrotum and perineum, with
scrotum and perianal fascia ... the pararectal fascia
IDSA Treatment of Necrotizing Infections of the Skin, Fascia, and Muscle
 • Mixed infections
 • Streptococcus
Infections of the Skin, Fascia