7 results
This is a fibula fracture with a tear of the deltoid ligament and syndesmotic ligaments. 

fracture #ankle #mortise
Ankle Mortise View Diagram

#Diagnosis #Radiology #Orthopedics #MortiseView #AnkleXRay #Diagram
Ankle Mortise View
Webber Ankle Injury Classification

A: In a Supination-Adduction injury the fibula breaks first, with a fracture below
the level of the mortise ... shift inside the mortise ... the level of the mortise ... i.e. non-stress) mortise ... the level of the mortise
Axillary artery Pseudoaneurysm looks like Pacman. Nice find by Dr Morris and Dr. Elkhayat

- Aventura US

Nice find by Dr Morris
Corynebacterium Infections
 - Trichomycosis
 - Pitted Keratolysis
 - Erythrasma

Source: DermNet NZ
Hay RJ, and Morris‐Jones R. Bacterial
NZ Hay RJ, and Morris‐Jones
Listeriosis Summary - Listeria Monocytogenes
Pathogen: Listeria Monocytogenes - Gram-positive rod, Aerobic, facultative anaerobe, motile, beta-hemolytic, Non-spore-forming
facultative anaerobe, motile
Listeriosis Summary - Listeria Monocytogenes
Pathogen: Listeria Monocytogenes - Gram-positive rod, Aerobic, facultative anaerobe, motile, beta-hemolytic, Non-spore-forming
facultative anaerobe, motile