211 results

It is the ability to recognize letters or numbers drawn on the palm of the
numbers drawn on the palm ... Graphesthesia #palm
Common features and patterns:
1.	Color:
o	Red or erythematous: Common in inflammatory or allergic reactions.
o	Purple or purpuric:
PALM RASHES Common ... the edges of the palms ... or blisters on palms ... can affect the palms ... #rash #palm #dermatitis
The 5 components of good CPR in PALS

#Management #Peds #Pediatrics #CPR #Components #Good #PALS #Guidelines
of good CPR in PALS ... Components #Good #PALS
Syphilis Clinical Findings - Chancre and Characteristic Rash
A: Syphilitic chancre with a clean, painless base and
plaque on the palm ... photo #chancre #palms
Syphilis Rash on Palms and Soles

#Syphilis #Rash #Palms #Soles #clinical #dermatology #skin #secondary #PhysicalExam
Syphilis Rash on Palms ... Syphilis #Rash #Palms
Paediatric Arrest
 - Strata5

#Peds #Paediatrics #Pediatrics #Management #ACLS #PALS #Arrest #Advanced #LifeSupport #WETFLAG #Mnemonic #Algorithm
Management #ACLS #PALS
Differential Diagnosis of Palmar and Plantar Rashes
#Diagnosis #Dermatology #Rashes #Palmar #Plantar #Palms #Soles #Differential #Causes #Table
Palmar #Plantar #Palms
Palmar Erruption Associated with Secondary Syphillis.

Charlie Goldberg, M.D. - UCSD Catalog of Clinical Images

#Clinical #Photo #Dermatology
Secondary #Syphillis #Palms
Osler Nodes in Infective Endocarditis

Dr. André Mansoor @AndreMansoor - Author of Frameworks for Internal Medicine https://amzn.to/2LmUODZ

#Photo #Hands #Palms
Secondary Syphilis - Rash on Palms and Soles 
41ys, seen in our ED b/c of 20
Syphilis - Rash on Palms ... painful lesions on palms ... #dermatology #Palms