Common features and patterns:
1.	Color:
o	Red or erythematous: Common in inflammatory or allergic reactions.
o	Purple or purpuric: May suggest vascular or hematologic issues, such as small blood vessel inflammation (vasculitis).
o	White or hypopigmented: Seen in fungal infections or depigmentation disorders.
o	Brown or hyperpigmented: May occur in chronic skin conditions or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

2	Texture:
o	Flat (macular): Rash appears as flat, discolored spots.
o	Raised (papular or nodular): Bumps that may be small or large.
o	Scaly or flaky: Seen in psoriasis or fungal infections.
o	Smooth or shiny: Can occur in viral rashes or early dermatitis.

3	Moisture:
o	Dry and cracked: Common in eczema or chronic irritation.
o	Moist or oozing: May suggest infection, blistering, or acute contact dermatitis.

4	Distribution:
o	Symmetrical: Seen in systemic causes like eczema, psoriasis, or drug reactions.
o	Localized: Often indicates contact dermatitis or insect bites.
o	Peripheral patterns: Rashes that concentrate around the edges of the palms can be seen in certain fungal infections.

5	Associated Symptoms:
o	Itching: Common in eczema, scabies, or allergic reactions.
o	Pain or burning: Suggests irritation, infection, or vascular issues.
o	Blisters: Seen in contact dermatitis, hand-foot-and-mouth disease, or bullous skin conditions.
o	Peeling or desquamation: Seen after infections (e.g., scarlet fever) or in conditions like Kawasaki disease.

6	Causes and Key Features:
o	Contact Dermatitis: Red, itchy patches, sometimes with vesicles or blisters.
o	Atopic Dermatitis: Chronic, itchy, scaly rash; may worsen with exposure to irritants.
o	Psoriasis: Thick, scaly, silvery patches, often with well-defined edges.
o	Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease: Small, red spots or blisters on palms, soles, and sometimes around the mouth.
o	Fungal Infections (Tinea Manuum): Asymmetric scaling and redness, often with peeling.
o	Scabies: Small, red papules with linear burrows, typically between fingers.
o	Drug Reactions: Diffuse rash that can affect the palms, often accompanied by systemic symptoms.

#rash #palm #dermatitis #erythema
Satyendra Dhar, MD @DharSaty · 2 months ago
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