13 results
Disease Specific Isolation Recommendations
Standard Precautions 
 • CMV 
 •  HIV 
Precautions • Pertussis ... • Rubella Airborne ... ) • Measles Airborne ... #Precautions #Airborne
Does this patient require ETI? 
If patient is to be intubated and is
Type I Hypersensitivity: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
Definition: Production of lgE Antibodies that bind to harmless allergens
allergic rhinitis to airborne
Reproductive Number (R0 "R Naught") showing how contagious / transmissible a pathogen is.  The R0
Fatality 0.01 % Pertussis
Pulmonary Infections in HIV-AIDS
 • No organism identified, Strep pneumoniae, H. influenzae, S.aureus, Streptococcus Grp
equi, Bordetella pertussis
Bilateral Subconjunctival Hemorrhages after Coughing Spell

Seen in the paroxysmal phase of pertussis (whooping cough)


#Bilateral #Subconjunctival #Hemorrhage
paroxysmal phase of pertussis ... #physicalexam #pertussis
Medical Mask Usage in COVID-19
Medical masks can be used to prevent the spread of respiratory infections.
inhaling smaller, airborne
Childhood Immunization Schedule: Why we immunize
 • Diphtheria Toxin -> URT inflammation causes pseudomembrane with hardened
dysphagia • Pertussis
Rib Fracture Associated with Bordetella pertussis Infection - Physical examination revealed a large ecchymosis across her
with Bordetella pertussis ... Radiology #CT #Pertussis
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for Pertussis
 • Highly contagious, secondary attack rate 80% in susceptible individuals!
Prophylaxis (PEP) for Pertussis ... Prophylaxis #PEP #Pertussis