2206 results
PEG Tube Placement - Scoping Summary
 • PEG: Push vs Pull Technique
 • Most Common Indications
PEG contact your pharmacist ... #percutaneous #gastrostomy
Smoking Cessation: the 5 A's and 5 R's. Very useful tool for clinicians, including pharmacists to
clinicians, including pharmacists
With the recent publication of the FDA Guidance on alcohol-based hand sanitizer compounding, I thought to
also encouraging pharmacists
Group A Strep Pharyngitis, also known as  Strep Throat. 

In addition to symptomatic presentation, a
expanding area for pharmacists ... intervention for pharmacists
Causes of Vitamin B12 Deficiency - Cobalamin
Decreased Intake
Pancreas: Insufficiency
Intestine: SIBO, Celiac disease, IBD, Lymphoma, Amyloidosis, Resection,
anemia, Bypass/gastrectomy
Endoscopic Management of Bariatric Surgery Complications
 - Sleeve Gastrectomy Leak
 - Post LSG Stenosis
 - Marginal
Complications - Sleeve Gastrectomy
Types of Bariatric Surgery
Adjustable Gastric Banding:
 • Decreasing in prevalence, 3% of bariatric surgeries performed
re-operation) Sleeve Gastrectomy ... • Longitudinal gastrectomy ... Combines sleeve gastrectomy
This is what a shoulder dislocation looks like on US before and after reduction. Focus on
Focus on the joint ... EM_RESUS #Clinical #POCUS
Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echo (FATE) - Basic FATE views

Pos 1: Subcostal 4-chamber

Pos 2: Apical 4-chamber

Pos 3:
Focus Assessed Transthoracic ... Echocardiogram #POCUS
Iron Deficiency Anemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Labs: Ferritin, iron, transferrin, TIBC, TSAT, sTfR

 • Blood loss:
Atrophic gastritis, Gastrectomy