868 results
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance vs Systemic Vascular Resistance

#Pulmonary #Vascular #Resistance #Systemic #Comparison #pulmonaryhypertension #PHTN #pathophysiology #anesthesiology #anesthesia
pulmonaryhypertension #PHTN ... #pathophysiology
Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH) and Pulmonary Thromboendarterectomy
Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Definition: mean pulmonary-artery pressure > 25mmHg
pulmonary embolism Pathophysiology ... RebeccaSteinb17 #CTEPH #PHTN
Hypothermia in Sepsis - Pathophysiology
 • 20% of septic pts → HYPOTHERMIA
 • Increased mortality 62%
Hypothermia in Sepsis - Pathophysiology ... sepsis: Low BMI, HTN ... Hypothermia #sepsis #pathophysiology
Pulmonary Hypertension Group Classification
#Diagnosis #Management #Pulmonary #Hypertension #PHTN #Group #Classification #Curbsiders
#Hypertension #PHTN
Diabetes Pathophysiology and Medication Targets

The ominous octet is one concept that summarizes the different pathophysiologic pathways
Diabetes Pathophysiology ... the different pathophysiologic ... #Diabetes #Pathophysiology
Pulmonary Hypertension - Classification, Evaluation, POCUS Assessment

#PHTN #Pulmonary #Hypertension #Classification #Evaluation #POCUS #Assessment #Groups
Assessment #PHTN
NSAIDS and their effects on the Kidney - Pathophysiology

Arachidonic Acid metabolites into alternative pathways that modify
on the Kidney - Pathophysiology ... Nephron: CHF, HTN ... nephrology #Effects #pathophysiology
Acute Hypoxemia - Differential Diagnosis
 • Hyperacute: Aspiration, Flash Pulmonary Edema, Mucous Plugging, Bronchospasm, Pulmonary Embolism,
Diffusion: ILD, pHTN ... Pressure Vent, pHTN
Algorithm for the Evaluation of Pulmonary Hypertension (elevated pulmonary artery systolic pressure on echo)

#pulmonary #hypertension #phtn
#hypertension #phtn
Growth Hormone Excess - Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Acromegaly and gigantism share the same pathophysiology
share the same pathophysiology ... eiection fraction • HTN ... endocrinology #pathophysiology