2997 results
Parasternal Short axis, fan proximal and look for Aortic Valve in a plane shows all three
Aortic Valve in a plane ... POCUS #Clinical #cardiology
Apical Approach Pericardiocentesis on POCUS Echocardiogram

Apical approach had best pocket + good distance away from lung
In-plane off lateral ... A4c #clinical #cardiology
Echocardiogram Windows - Nomenclature
Each view is described using three (3) components
1) Transducer Position or "Window"
Echocardiographic Imaging Plane ... Nomenclature #POCUS #cardiology
Single Syringe Adenosine - Instructions
1) Dilute 6-12 mg of adenosine in a syringe for a total
seconds - Try to place ... pharmacology #SVT #cardiology
Stroke Volume & Cardiac Output Measurement on POCUS
Accurately measure LVOT diameter:
1. Obtain PLAX 
2. Zoom to
Place PW doppler ... Measurement #POCUS #cardiology
Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) - Differential Diagnosis Framework and Management

Regular SVT: Sinus Tachycardia, AVNRT, AVRT, Atrial Flutter,
and empty 2) Place ... Diagnosis #Management #cardiology
Right Ventricular Non-compaction on Ventriculogram

RV angio with NIH Catheter. Prominent recesses give the appearance called Pile
sign (pile of plates ... Ventriculogram #clinical #cardiology
Medications Used in Congestive Heart Failure

In CHF, the heart is failing as a pump; cardiac output
but eventually place ... #HeartFailure #Cardiology
Graphic representation of transthoracic echocardiographic parameters in the assessment of right ventricular pressure overload. A′ = peak late
A′ = peak late diastolic ... tricuspid annular plane ... tricuspid annular plane ... RightVentricular #Cardiology
Right heart dysfunction and failure in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: mechanisms and management 
tricuspid annular plane ... #Diagnosis #Cardiology