71 results
Old Ocular Toxocariasis - Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Dr. Sebastian Vega @oftalmopo

#Toxocariasis #Retina #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology
Old Ocular Toxocariasis ... Retina #Ocular #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video
Split, Fractured Patella on Knee Exam

30 years old male, 10 years post motorbike accident.  Split,
Exam 30 years old ... Patella #Knee #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video
Congenital Nystagmus on Physical Exam
These abnormal eye movements were found in a patient with albinism. What
ophthalmology evaluation ... Congenital #Nystagmus #PhysicalExam ... ocular #clinical #video
Pseudoretinitis Pigmentosa on Fundoscopy Ocular Examination

Pseudoretinitis pigmentosa in a patient with old retinal detachment. 

Dr. Sebastian
a patient with old ... pigmentosa #Ocular #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video
Bilateral Congenital Hip Dysplasia in an almost 5 year old.
This gait was called “clumsy”. For years.
almost 5 year old ... #orthopedics #video ... #physicalexam
Telescoping Fingers on Physical Exam

A 69-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis presented for the treatment of severe
Exam A 69-year-old ... Telescoping #Fingers #PhysicalExam ... RheumatoidArthritis #Clinical #Video
Pulsatile AAA on Abdominal Exam

A 66-year-old man presented with a 2-month history of abdominal bloating and
Exam A 66-year-old ... AAA #Abdominal #PhysicalExam ... Aorta #Clinical #Video
Jaw Clonus on Physical Exam

A 24-year-old man presented with progressive dysphagia, dysarthria, and weakness in his
Exam A 24-year-old ... #Jaw #Clonus #PhysicalExam ... #Clinical #Video
Positive Babinski Reflex with dorsiflexion of the big toe after stroking the sole of the foot.
response by 12 months old ... Pediatrics #Clinical #Video ... #PhysicalExam #
Pronator Drift (Pyramidal Drift) on Physical Exam

Testing showed pronator drift on the left side in this
in this 70-year-old ... Drift #Pyramidal #PhysicalExam ... #clinical #video