Lung / Pulmonary - POCUS (Point of Care Ultrasound) Library
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is a valuable tool for the examination of the lungs, offering several advantages over the traditional stethoscope. POCUS allows for the rapid assessment of various lung conditions, such as pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and consolidation. It is a non-invasive, portable, and relatively inexpensive modality that can be performed at the bedside or in the clinic. POCUS provides real-time imaging, allowing the provider to immediately visualize and assess the lung tissue. In contrast, the stethoscope relies on the provider's auditory interpretation of lung sounds, which can be subjective and may not accurately reflect the underlying pathology. POCUS also has the advantage of being able to guide interventions, such as needle thoracentesis or chest tube placement.

You can use our collection of Lung POCUS clips to compare to normal and abnormal findings seen at the bedside such as pneumothorax, pneumonia, effusions and much more.  We also have a collection of lung POCUS algorithms and examples of artifacts for learners.

#Algorithm - Evaluation algorithms for Lung POCUS
 • #BLUE - BLUE Protocol
#ALines - A-Lines, normal horizontal Artifact lines
#BLines - B-Lines or vertical #Comet tail artifacts (pulmonary edema, interstitial disease)
#Bronchogram - Air Bronchograms (#static vs #dynamic)
#Contusion - Pulmonary Contusion
#COVID19 - Examples of COVID19 and and similar #Viral pneumonias
#Edema - Pulmonary Edema
#Effusion - Pleural Effusion
 • #Exudative - Exudative (#Complex) pleural effusion
 • #Empyema - Empyema
 • #Hemothorax - Hemothorax
 • #Malignant - Malignant effusion
 • #Plankton - Plankton sign (exudative effusion or hemorrhage)
#Hepatization - Liver appearance of lung (pneumonia)
#Hydropneumothorax - Hydropneumothorax
#MMode - M-Mode assessment 
#Point - Lung Point (Pneumothorax), #False Lung Point
#Pneumonia - Pneumonia on POCUS
 • #Viral - Viral Pneumonia examples
#Pneumothorax - Pneumothrax
#Pulse - Lung Pulse
#Shred - Shred sign (consolidation)
#Sliding - Lung sliding (absence in #Pneumothorax)
#Spine - Spine Sign
#Vasculogram - Pulmonary vasculogram 

Additional Interesting Cases:
 • #Hydrothorax - Tension Hydrothorax
 • #Shark - Shark Tail appearance of lung within a pleural effusion

effusion algorithm alines pneumothorax pneumonia blines bronchogram shred empyema lungpoint barcode
2950 results
Dynamic Air Bronchograms on Lung POCUS

Scanning right pectoral region. POCUS appearance of pneumonia, with consolidated ("hepatized")
Bronchograms on Lung ... POCUS Scanning ... POCUS appearance ... ("hepatized") lung ... #POCUS #clinical
Lung Point in Pneumothorax on Lung POCUS

Abhilash Koratala MD @NephroP 

#Lung #Point #Pneumothorax #POCUS #Ultrasound #clinical
Lung Point in Pneumothorax ... on Lung POCUS ... @NephroP #Lung ... #Pneumothorax #POCUS
Rapid Lung-Cardiac-IVC (LCI) Ultrasound POCUS Evaluation

- Alberta Sono @UAlberta_Sono

#lung #cardiac #ivc #LCI #pocus #evaluation #algorithm #diagnosis
Rapid Lung-Cardiac-IVC ... LCI) Ultrasound POCUS ... UAlberta_Sono #lung ... cardiac #ivc #LCI #pocus
Lung re-expansion of pneumothorax after pigtail thoracostomy on Lung POCUS

Dr. Stephen Alerhand @SAlerhand

#Lung #reexpansion #pneumothorax #POCUS
Lung re-expansion ... thoracostomy on Lung ... POCUS Dr. ... @SAlerhand #Lung ... #pneumothorax #POCUS
Absent Lung Sliding on Lung POCUS
Absent Lung Sliding with B-mode does not just mean PTX. It
Absent Lung Sliding ... on Lung POCUS ... Absent Lung Sliding ... intubation POCUS ... #Sliding #POCUS
POCUS Lung Algorithm for the Use of Ultrasound in the Evaluation of Dyspnea 

#Diagnosis #Management #CriticalCare
POCUS Lung Algorithm ... #CriticalCare #POCUS ... Algorithm #Ddxof #Lung
Bilateral B-Lines in case of Pneumonia on Lung POCUS

Young healthy pt with fever/dyspnea. POCUS lung exam
POCUS Young ... POCUS lung exam ... Lung POCUS shows ... Lung POCUS invaluable ... #POCUS #clinical
ABCs of Lung Ultrasound - POCUS

Pitt Internal Medicine Point of Care Ultrasound @PittIMPOCUS

.mp4 Hi-Res Version Here:
ABCs of Lung Ultrasound ... - POCUS Pitt ... profiles-ultrasound-differential-pocus-lung
Lung POCUS with multiple B-lines representing pulmonary edema

Eric Abrams, MD @eabramsMD

#Edema #BLines #Lung #POCUS #clinical #Pulmonary
Lung POCUS with ... Edema #BLines #Lung ... #POCUS #clinical
Lung POCUS: Shred sign in patient with non-translobar consolidation. Phased array probe used.

Dr. Robert Jones @RJonesSonoEM

Lung POCUS: Shred ... Consolidation #Pneumonia #Lung ... #POCUS #Pulmonary