1029 results
Hawkin's Test 1. Position arm in throwing position and flex forward 30 degrees. 2. Examiner internally
Position arm in ... throwing position ... Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports
Cyriax Release Test for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Positioned behind the patient, the examiner tilt's the patient's drunk
Outlet Syndrome Positioned ... , holding this position ... #orthopedics #sports
Thompson's Test for Achilles Tendon Injury

In a prone position, Achilles tendon stability can be assessed using
In a prone position ... clinical #video #sports ... #orthopedics #sports
Jobe's Test ("Empty Can" Test) 1. Position arm in scapular plane and point thumb down as
Position arm in ... Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports
Bicep muscle injury - Yergason Test - 1. Position patient's elbow at 90 degrees with thumb
Position patient's ... Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports
Labral tear - Crank Test 1. Position patient's arm in 90 degree abduction and elbow flexion
Position patient's ... Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports
Drop Arm Test 1. Position patient's arm fully abducted so hand is over the head. 2.
Position patient's ... Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports
Ulnar Fovea Sign Test for Fovea Disruption

Useful for patients with pain along the ulnar aspect of
in the neutral position ... orthopedics #msk #sports
Labral tear - O'Brien Test - 1. Position patient's shoulder in 90 degree flexion, elbow extended,
Position patient's ... Diagnosis #Ortho #Sports
Empty Can (Jobe) Test on Shoulder Exam

Supraspinatus muscle testing strength can also be done using the
In this same position ... clinical #video #sports