6 results
Causes of Syncope #Diagnosis #EM #IM #Neuro #Syncope #Differential #Algorithm #Ddxof
Syncope #Diagnosis #EM ... #IM #Neuro #Syncope
Algorithm and Differential Diagnosis of Tremor #Diagnosis #IM #PrimaryCare #Neuro #Tremor #Action #Rest #Differential #Algorithm #Comparison
Tremor #Diagnosis #IM ... #PrimaryCare #Neuro ... Algorithm #Comparison #Table
Differential Diagnosis of Syncope
First, is it syncope? History is very important for distinguishing syncope from other
#Diagnosis #EM # ... Neuro #IM #Sycope
Vertigo - is it central or peripheral? Vertigo is classified into either peripheral or central depending
vertigo #diagnosis #EM ... #IM Neuro
Ultrasound Guided Brachial Plexus Nerve Block on POCUS
Mid-shaft humerus fracture, 10/10 pain, 350mcg fentanyl and no
document normal neuro ... group until us (EM ... document a good neuro ... pain #anesthesia #clinical
Skull Fracture on POCUS
7 month-old after a fall and temporal swelling. normal neuro exam.  POCUS
swelling. normal neuro ... Ultrasound: Being able ... Fracture #POCUS #clinical