2300 results
Recurrent severe distal left mainstem stenosis requiring stenting on Bronchoscopy


#bronchoscopy #stent #endobronchial #clinical #video #pulmonary
Recurrent severe ... endobronchial #clinical #video
Intussusception Operative Reduction
Peutz-Jeghers 17yo patient with multiple recurrent intussusception caused by large polyps at proximal small
with multiple recurrent ... Repair #Surgery #Video
Recurrent Uveitis on Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

Tyndall +4 is observed in the anterior chamber. Fibrin secondary
Recurrent Uveitis ... PhysicalExam #clinical #video
Peroneal Tendon Dislocation on Ankle Examination

After recurrent ankle sprain.  Dislocation of the peroneal tendons requires
Examination After recurrent ... msk #clinical #video
Facial Swelling from Hereditary Angioedema on Physical Examination

19 year old Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) patient from Turkey.
patients experience recurrent ... Angioedema #clinical #video
Carotid Blowout Syndrome (CBS) on Physical Examination

Carotid blowout syndrome in a patient with late-stage oral tongue
reirradiated for a recurrent ... CBS #clinical #video
Paroxysmal Exercise‐induced Dyskinesia (PED)

Young man with intermittent (once a month or so) tripping with  his
characterized by recurrent ... PED #clinical #video
Extreme Patellofemoral Joint Instability (PFJI)

In this video you can see an extreme rare case of bilateral
PFJI) In this video ... patients with recurrent ... Instability #Clinical #Video
In this video, you see right sided atrophy, right sided deviation, and fasiculations R>L, indicating a
In this video, you ... Recurrent malignancy ... PhysicalExam #Clinical #Video
Dacrolith Eyelid Expression 
Chronic canuliculitis typically presents with recurrent unilateral epiphora and a pouting punctum. Other
presents with recurrent ... Dysfunction #clinical #video