45 results
The Cell Cycle
The cell cycle is the series of tightly regulated steps that controls cell growth
interplay between the Cyclins ... and their Cyclin-dependent ... factor (regulators) Retinoblastoma ... #Cyclin-dependent ... transcription factor #Rb #Retinoblastoma
Retinoblastoma: Pathogenesis and clinical findings
 • Sporadic mutation -> One allele of RB1 tumor suppressor gene
Retinoblastoma: ... Unilateral Somatic Retinoblastoma ... Bilateral Germline Retinoblastoma ... Strabismus #Retinoblastoma
Assessing and referring childhood cancers #Diagnosis #PrimaryCare #Peds #ChildhoodCancers #ClinicalFeatures #Lymphoma #Wilms #Leukemia #Retinoblastoma #BMJ
Wilms #Leukemia #Retinoblastoma
Leukocoria on Ocular Examination

#Leukocoria #Ocular #PhysicalExam #clinical #video #ophthalmology #retinoblastoma #pediatrics
ophthalmology #retinoblastoma
Presentation of malignant disease in children 
Pre-school (<5 years old) 
 - Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Wilm tumour - Retinoblastoma
Torsades de Pointes 
•Precipitated by drugs that prolong the QT interval 
•Class IA antidysrhythmics (procainamide, quinidine)
flecanide) •Cyclic
This is a summary of 6 techniques for N95 decontamination and safe reuse cycles #COVID #COVID19
and safe reuse cycles
Hirsutism - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
 • Steroids
 • Danazol
 • Progestin Containing Contraceptives
Increased Serum Testosterone
Regular Menstrual Cycles ... Irregular Menstrual Cycles
Causes of Hypomagnesemia - Differential Diagnosis Algorithm
GI LOSS - FeMg < 2-2.5% or 24h Urine Mg
EGFR,HNF-1beta, cyclin
In-bed cycling with a femoro-femoral VV-ECMO patient. Fighting against acquired weakness. Everything is possible with team
In-bed cycling with