7179 results
Rigid Forceps Pleural Biopsy

Dr. Udit Chaddha @udit_chaddha

#Rigid #Forceps #Pleural #Biopsy #Pleuroscopy #clinical #video #Pulmonary
Rigid Forceps Pleural ... udit_chaddha #Rigid ... #Pleuroscopy #clinical
Urothelial Carcinoma - Examination of the bladder with a rigid cystoscope revealed a papillary mass that
bladder with a rigid ... #Clinical #Urology
Endotracheal tumors on Bronchoscopy.

This patient was experiencing significant dyspnea and stridor. This mass was obstructing probably
the bevel of the rigid ... analogy because the rigid ... #Bronchoscopy #clinical
Endotracheal Tumor -  Argon Plasma Coagulation on Bronchoscopy.

This patient was experiencing significant dyspnea and stridor.
the bevel of the rigid ... analogy because the rigid ... #Bronchoscopy #clinical
Whistling Cough- A 4-year-old boy presented to the otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic with a 2-day history of
otorhinolaryngology outpatient clinic ... A rigid bronchoscopy ... #NEJM #clinical
Complex Ascites with Air Bubbles in Colonic Perforation on POCUS

Hemodynamically unstable with rigid abdomen.  Patient
unstable with rigid ... Perforation #POCUS #clinical
The RIGID patient: tetanus mimics
 - Serotonin Syndrome
 - Neuroleptic Malignant Sx
 - Malignant Hyperthermia
The RIGID patient ... table #rigidity #rigid
Myelopathy - Injury to the entire spinal cord - Signs and Symptoms
 • Ataxia (early sign)
muscles are more rigid
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
 • Arrogant, Haughty Behaviors or Attitude - Often display
Pathogenesis and Clinical ... relatively superficial, rigid
Acute Abdominal Pain - Location Based Differential Diagnosis Algorithm

Rule out surgical abdomen: pt lying still, rigid/hard
pt lying still, rigid