21 results
MAGIC DR – a handy mnemonic used to remember the potential causes of a cerebral ring
MAGIC DR – a handy ... Mnemonic #MAGICDR #DRMAGIC ... #Differential #RingEnhancing
Algorithm for evaluating multiple ring-enhancing lesions in immunocompetent (HIV negative)

#ringenhancing #lesions #cns #brain #diagnosis #differential #algorithm
negative) #ringenhancing
Magic Mouthwash for Oral Mucositis


Visual Abstract by Chanjun S Park @s_chanjun

#Magic #Mouthwash #Mucositis #EBM #VisualAbstract #Management
Magic Mouthwash ... @s_chanjun #Magic
CNS Ring-Enhancing Lesions - Immunocompromised vs Immunocompetent
Multiple Ring-Enhancing Lesions:
 • Toxoplasmosis (CD4 < 100)
 • Other
AnnKumfer #CNS #RingEnhancing
Magic Mouthwash Ingredients for Mucositis
Magic Mouthwash Recipe 1 (Disp: 480 ml)
 • 80 ml viscous lidocaine
Magic Mouthwash ... for Mucositis Magic ... distilled water Magic ... 5 ml elixir #Magic
Portal Venous Gas on Ultrasound
The most dramatic example I have seen of preterminal systemic intravascular and
Ultrasound The most dramatic
CNS Ring-Enhancing Lesions - Differential Diagnosis Framework

Ring Completeness
 • Incomplete: Demyelinating Disease
 • Complete (MAGIC):
• Complete (MAGIC
 - Think of DKA and HHS on a spectrum of hyperglycemic emergencies
numbers may be less dramatic
Erythroderma - Diagnostic Algorithm. Pathophysiology: 1) Extensive cutaneous capillary dilation, results in widespread exfoliation of the
mediators result in dramatic
Common Medications with Possible Interactions with Warfarin 
Warfarin is subject to the effects of drug interactions
warfarin can yield dramatic ... likely to have a dramatic