59 results
SMARCB1-deficient sinonasal carcinoma: high grade tumors with varying proportions of basaloid and plasmacytoid/rhabdoid cells; CK+, SMARCB1
SMARCB1-deficient sinonasal ... SMARCB1 #deficient #sinonasal ... #Carcinoma #Pathology
Borrelia recurrentis Infection - Spirochetes were visible (arrows), a finding that suggested louseborne relapsing fever #Clinical
fever #Clinical #Pathology ... Smear #Microscopy #NEJM
Excoriated papules with honey-colored crusting were present on the abdomen, back (Panel A), arms, and legs.
Clinical #Derm #Pathology ... Microscopy #Rash #NEJM
Yergason's Test on Physical Exam
Yergason's test for biceps tendon pathology testing stability of the tendon within
biceps tendon pathology ... biceps tendon pathology ... biceps tendon pathology ... also be +SLAP pathology ... clinical #video #msk
African Trypanosomiasis - The examination was notable for the two erythematous lesions, each measuring 3 to
Clinical #Derm #Pathology ... TrypanosomaBrucei #NEJM
Vertebral Body Abnormalities

A sheet of common (and uncommon) vertebral body findings, because a completely “normal” spine
Abnormalities #Radiology #MSK ... #Pathology #Anomalies
Eyelid Melanoma - Despite conservative interventions, the stye had persisted and the skin had become noticeably
C) #Clinical #Pathology ... Melanoma #Microscopy #NEJM
Tinea Versicolor - Physical examination revealed large, coalescing, hypopigmented patches and macules on her torso and
Clinical #Derm #Pathology ... Microscopy #Spaghetti #NEJM
Strongyloides stercoralis Hyperinfection - Physical examination revealed reticulated purpuric patches with dusky centers on the abdomen,
Clinical #Derm #Pathology ... FilariformLarvae #Microscopy #NEJM
Disseminated Cysticercosis - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head revealed diffuse hyperintense septated cystic lesions
Clinical #Radiology #Pathology ... Solium #Microscopy #NEJM