19 results
Calcific Knee Tendinitis on POCUS in a patient presenting with knee pain

Dr. Bob Stenberg @POCUSaurusRex

#Calcific #Knee
Calcific Knee Tendinitis ... Calcific #Knee #Tendinitis
Shoulder Calcific Tendinitis - Aspiration Procedure
 - Patient should be supine to prevent vasovagal syncope.
Shoulder Calcific Tendinitis ... Shoulder #Calcific #Tendinitis
Speed's Test on Shoulder Examination

With the arm straight out (elbow fully extended) at 90 degrees of
indicated bicipital tendinitis ... PhysicalExam #bicipital #tendinitis
Uppercut Test for Biceps Tendinitis

With the hand in a fist and the forearm supinated, and the
Test for Biceps Tendinitis ... Biceps #bicipital #tendinitis
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris (ECU) Synergy Test for ECU Tendinitis

With the patient's hand supinated, the examiner grasps
Synergy Test for ECU Tendinitis ... carpi #ulnaris #Tendinitis
Yergason's Test on Shoulder Examination
Patient Position: Sitting
Examiner Position: Standing adjacent to the test arm. One hand
groove indicating tendinitis ... sports #biceps #tendinitis
Speed's Test - Shoulder Examination

To perform a Speed's test flex the shoulder to 90 degrees with
Test #bicipital #tendinitis
Speed's Test - Shoulder Examination

To perform a Speed's test flex the shoulder to 90 degrees with
bicipital #biceps #tendinitis
Speed's Test - Shoulder Examination

To perform a Speed's test flex the shoulder to 90 degrees with
bicipital #biceps #tendinitis
Speed's Test - Shoulder Examination

To perform a Speed's test flex the shoulder to 90 degrees with
Test #bicipital #tendinitis