5 results
REBEL Review 71: Treatment of Thyroid Storm 

Propylthiouracil (PTU) 
Saturated Solution of Potassium
endocrinology #thyroidstorm
Myxedema coma and thyroid storm are thyroid emergencies associated with increased mortality. Prompt recognition of these
thyroidemergencies, #thyroidstorm
Pharmaceutical Management of Hyperthyroidism / Thyroid Storm
• Decreases sympathetic hyperactivity 
• Partially blocks peripheral conversion
Hyperthyroidism #ThyroidStorm
Emergencies related to thyroid gland diseases are infrequently observed in the clinical practice. They are caused
thyroidemergencies, #thyroidstorm
Thyroid storm is a rare and life-threatening condition characterized by an acute exacerbation of thyrotoxicosis (elevated
sequestrant #Thyroidstorm