484 results
Rough schematic outline of the arterial tree

Dr. Amanyu @melodicscalpel

#Arterial #Tree #Arteries #Artery #Map #Schematic #Outline
of the arterial tree ... #Arterial #Tree
Tree analogy to classify severity of hydronephrosis.

Dr. Alan Chiem https://twitter.com/atchiem

#Diagnosis #POCUS #RenalUltrasound #Hydronephrosis #Tree #Analaogy #Severity
Tree analogy to ... Hydronephrosis #Tree
Typical Progress of COVID-19

Katri Manninen @kutrinet

#Progression #Timeline #COVID19 #SARSCOV2 #Coronavirus #Tree
#Coronavirus #Tree
Tree in Bud Sign
The Tree-in-Bud sign represents Endobronchial spread in a linear branching pattern and centrilobular
Tree in Bud Sign ... The Tree-in-Bud ... Pal @drdevrad #Tree
Taxonomy of Protozoa
 - Amoebae
 - Flagellates
 - Ciliates
 - Sporozoans

Dr. Natalie Marshall, PhD @MicrobeNat

#Protozoa #Taxonomy
Protozoa #Taxonomy #tree
hematopoiesis - leukocyte maturation tree

- Amy Chung, MD, MSc @AmyChung 

#hematopoiesis #leukocytes #maturation #tree #pathophysiology #Hematology
leukocyte maturation tree ... leukocytes #maturation #tree
Tree-in-Bud Sign on Chest CT
 • Multiple centrilobular nodules arranged in a linear branching pattern.
Tree-in-Bud Sign ... radiology #clinical #tree
Christmas Tree Cataract on Slit Lamp Ocular Examination

They are produced by lysis of membrane proteins induced
Christmas Tree Cataract ... #Christmas #Tree
True Hyponatremia Differential Algorithm

Instead (or in addition) of volume status examination, check urine sodium and serum
True Hyponatremia ... @kidney_boy #True
Here another patient with free abdominal air.
Notice the very thin regular line which is the diaphragm
another patient with free ... Radiology #CXR #Free