35 results
Arrhythmias and the effect of Valsalva Maneuver

#Arrhythmias #Valsalva #Maneuver #Rhythm #Cardiology #Table #Diagnosis
the effect of Valsalva ... #Arrhythmias #Valsalva
Inguinal Hernia on POCUS with Valsalva

Dr. Michael I. Prats @PratsEM

#Inguinal #Hernia #Valsalva #POCUS #clinical #ultrasound
on POCUS with Valsalva ... Inguinal #Hernia #Valsalva
Modified Valsalva Maneuver Insturctions

- 43% vs 17% response compared to the standard valsalva maneuver

Per ACLS and
Modified Valsalva ... to the standard valsalva ... maneuvers, such as Valsalva ... the “modified Valsalva ... Management #Modified #Valsalva
Modified Valsalva Maneuver

43% vs 17% response compared to the standard valsalva maneuver

1) Position patient with legs
Modified Valsalva ... to the standard valsalva ... 10ml syringe (or Valsalva ... trying the Modified Valsalva ... julesantosER #Modified #Valsalva
Tympanic Membrane during Valsalva - Otoscopy
By plugging our noses and blowing to unclog our ears, what
Membrane during Valsalva ... a stuffy nose (Valsalva ... Tympanic #Membrane #Valsalva
Tympanic Membrane Movement during Valsalva Maneuver on Otoscopy

By Dr. Luciano Calgaro @dr.otorrinolaringologia

#Tympanic #Membrane #Valsalva #Otoscopy #clinical
Movement during Valsalva ... Tympanic #Membrane #Valsalva
Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva (RSOV) - Device Closure on Fluoroscopy

Dr. Gopalan Rajesh @DrRajeshG1

#RSOV #Ruptured #Sinus #Valsalva
Ruptured Sinus of Valsalva ... Ruptured #Sinus #Valsalva
Giant Valsalva Sinus Aneurysm with an Anomalous Coronary Right Artery Origin on Echocardiogram

Imagen Cardíaca SEIC @ImagenCardiaca

Giant Valsalva Sinus ... ImagenCardiaca #Giant #Valsalva
Fat containing abdominal wall hernia seen best while this patient is standing, performing a Valsalva maneuver.

, performing a Valsalva ... Abdominal #Ultrasound #Valsalva
Sinus of Valsalva (SOV) Aneurysm seen on Angiography

Unruptured SOV aneurysm can cause CHB due to compression
Sinus of Valsalva ... DrRajeshG1 #Sinus #Valsalva