Mechanical Bowel Obstruction and Ileus - Pathogenesis and Clinical Findings
Ileus: Functional bowel "blockage", no peristalsis
Mechanical Obstruction: Physical blockage of bowel lumen
Complete obstructions typically presents with acute abdominal pain and related symptoms. Incomplete obstructions can present with either acute or chronic abdominal pain
 • Obstipation (no flatus). no bowel-movements (suggests complete obstruction)
 • Infrequent bowel movements (partial obstruction)
 • Bloating. cramping, anorexia
 • Diffuse, visceral abdominal pain 
 • Flat/low JVP, resting tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension
 • Abdominal Pain: may come in waves. and can be severe (i.e. "light-switch pain") with complete obstruction
 • Hyperactive bowel sounds (before a physical obstruction), OR absent bowel sounds (ileus)
 • Abdomen is tympanic to percussion
 • Nausea/vomiting (worse with duodenal or jejunal obstruction because of proximity of obstruction)

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