Thromboelastogram Interpretation Reaction Time (R Value): - Time till initiation of fibrin clot - Treatment: FFP, protamine K value: - Time to achieve 20 mm clot on assay representing thrombin-platelet interaction - Treatment: Cryoprecipitate, Fibrinogen α-angle: - Rate at which fibrin cross-linking occurs - Treatment: Cryoprecipitate, Fibrinogen Maximum Amplitude (MA): - Maximum strength of clot - Treatment: Platelets, DDAVP LY-30: - Degradation of clot 30 minutes after MA/MCF - Treatment: TXA, Amicar - Dr. Rishi Kumar @rishikumarmd #Thromboelastogram #TEG #Interpretation #Thromboelastography #diagnosis #coagulation #hematology