How much sodium is in 1 Liter of Normal Saline? In Bags if Potato Chips
  1 L of normal saline  = 0.9% sodium chloride contains 154 meq of sodium per liter.
  1 L normal saline x (154 meq/L) x (23 mg Na+/meq) = 3,542 mg Na

A 1 oz. bag of Lay's Classic potato chips contains 180 mg of sodium. Thus, 1 L of normal saline has about as much sodium as 20 bags of chips.

Bryan Carmody @jbcarmody

#bags #chips #lays #normal #saline #ns #nephrology #sodium #comparison #hotdogs #conversion #contents #crystalloid
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 4 years ago
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