31 results
Considerations for Crystalloids - 0.9% NS vs LR vs Plasma-Lyte
 - Causes hyperkalemia?
 - Safe to
Crystalloids - 0.9% NS ... Update: AKI in NS ... LR #plasmalyte #NS
Crystalloid Compositon - Normal Saline, Lactated Ringers, PlasmaLyte
#Pharmacology #Crystalloids #Contents #Comparison #Table #Normosol #Plasmalyte #LactatedRingers #NormalSaline
#NormalSaline #NS
Crystalloid pH, Contents and Costs Compared
Plasma	pH 7.4
Normal Saline	pH 5.5*	
Ringer’s Lactate pH 6.5	
Plasmalyte A pH 6.5	
Coca-cola pH
Pharmacology #Costs #NS
Lactated Ringers (LR) vs Normal Saline (NS) - Comparison

Composition of LR:
 • Sodium 130 mEq/L
Normal Saline (NS ... Composition of NS ... Normal Saline (NS ... Normal #Saline #NS
How much sodium is in 1 Liter of Normal Saline? In Bags if Potato Chips
normal #saline #ns
Normal Saline vs Lactated Ringer's vs Plasma-Lyte - Here's what all this stuff has in it:
#LR #IVFluids #NS
Physical Exam findings in Lower Extremity DVT - Likelihood Ratios
 - Asymmetric calf swelling, ≥2 cm
- Tenderness - NS ... Palpable cord - NS ... Homans sign - NS
Cushing Syndrome - Likelihood Ratios of Physical Exam Findings
Moon facies LR +1.6
Central obesity LR +3.0
Generalized obesity
, in women LR +NS ... blue striae LR NS
Crystalloid Fluids - Contents Comparison Table
Normal plasma
0.9% saline (a.k.a. "normal saline" or NS)
0.45% saline (a.k.a. 1/2
normal saline" or NS ... saline (a.k.a. 1/2 NS
Push Dose Pressors - Mixing Instructions - Epinephrine and Phenylephrine

Epinephrine Preparation steps:
1. Add 9 mL of
Add 9 mL of NS to ... phenylephrine to 100 mL NS ... 10 mL from this NS