Tranexamic Acid - Indications and Pharmacology
 • MOA: Inhibits plasminogen activation to plasmin & inhibits fibrinolysis (reduces complement activation → decreasing swelling in w/ hereditary angioedema)
 • Metabolism: Unknown, small amount of hepatic metabolism
 • Time to Onset: 5 - 15 minutes
 • Duration of Action: ~ 2-3 hours
 • Method of Excretion: Urine
Common Uses: Trauma, Epistaxis, Post-partum, ICH/TBI, Hemoptysis, GI Bleeding
Side Effects: Hypotension with rapid injection; Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea & abdominal pain; Dizziness, headache & fatigue; Increases risk of seizures; Hypersensitivity & anaphylaxis; Potentially increases venous & arterial thrombotic events; Impaired color vision & visual disturbances

#TXA #Tranexamic #Acid #Indications #Pharmacology #hematology
Mark Ramzy @MRamzyDO · 4 years ago
Critical Care and Emergency Medicine Doc, Paramedic, REBEL EM and EPMonthly Author, emDOCs Editor, interested in all things FOAMed! Passionate about baking cheesecakes, changing how we educate and presentation design. Follow me on Twitter:
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