Pulmonary Tuberculosis - Patterns of Involvement
• Scarring, Nodules and Consolidation
- Lobar consolidation
- Fibrosis and scarring with pleural thickening
- Inhomogeneous patchy nodular opacities with bronchial wall thickening
• Miliary Spread - Innumerable, bilateral, diffusely distributed small nodules representing miliary (hematogenous) spread of MTB infection
• Pleural Involvement
- Pleural thickening in the apical region
- Loculated effusion or empyema
- Air-fluid level in hydro-pneumothorax
- Pleural effusion
• Atelectasis
• Cavitation, Abscess and Hilary Lymphadenopathy
Dr. Devpriyo Pal @drdevrad
#Pulmonary #Tuberculosis #TB #Patterns #chest #xray #clinical #radiology #CXR