Beyond the classic trauma patient during your E-Fast Exam, who else does the Sono-Pros scan? - Primary spontaneous pneumothorax: the classic scenario is a tall, young adult, with symptoms such as breathlessness, along with potentially those with risk factors of pneumothoraxes such as smoking, male sex, family history of pneumothorax - Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax: those with underlying lung disease including but not limited to COPD, tuberculosis, necrotizing pneumonia, pneumonocystis carini, lung cancer, sarcoma involving the lung, sarcoidosis, endometriosis, cystic fibrosis, acute severe asthma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - Of course, traumatic pneumothorax, especially in penetrating trauma or blunt trauma with broken ribs - Don’t forget iatrogenic causes of pneumothorax including transthoracic needle aspiration, subclavian vessel puncture, thoracentesis, pleural biopsy, and mechanical ventilation #pneumothorax #POCUS #pulmonary #lung #ultrasound #diagnosis #PTHX