Urinalysis & Urine Sodium 
Theophilus Protospatharius, a seventh-century physician who wrote the first manuscript focused exclusively on urine called "De Urinis", determined heating urine would precipitate proteins, documenting proteinuria as a disease state. French scholar named Gilles de Corbeil (12th century) classified 20 different types of urine, recording differences in urine sediment and color and introduced the "matula," a glass vessel in which a physician could assess color, consistency, and clarity.

Following includes the complete analysis of urine:

Visual exam
•	Color. 
•	Clarity
Dipstick test
•	Acidity (urine pH). 
•	Bilirubin. 
•	Blood (hemoglobin). 
•	Glucose. 
•	Ketones
•	Leukocyte esterase.
•	Nitrites. 
•	Protein
•	Urine specific gravity test. 
Microscopic exam
•	Crystals. 
•	Epithelial cells. 
•	Bacteria, yeast and parasites (infections). 
•	Red blood cells (RBC). 
•	Urinary casts: 
•	White blood cells 

Fractional excretion of Sodium (FE Na).
[(U Na x P Cr) / (P Na x U Cr)] x 100
U = Urine, P = Plasma, Cr = Creatinine, Na = Sodium.
Re-absorption and filtration accounted (Both).
Should not be used with normal renal function.

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
FE Na < 1%
Urine sodium < 20 mEq/L.

Acute Tubular Necrosis (ATN)
FE Na > 2%
Urine sodium > 40 mEq/L.

#Urinalysis #crystals #dipstick #nitrite #leucocyte-esterase #urine #UNa #casts #glucosuria #hematuria
Satyendra Dhar, MD @DharSaty · 1 week ago
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