Feline oesophagus also known as oesophageal shiver, refers to the transient transverse bands seen in the mid and lower oesophagus on a double contrast barium swallow. 
The folds are 1-2 mm thick and run horizontally around the entire circumference of the oseophageal lumen. The findings are transient, seen following reflux and not during swallowing. The appearance is confined to the distal two-thirds of the thoracic oesophagus.
#felineoesophagus #oesophagealshiver #bariumswallow #gastro #gastro-oesophagealreflux #xray #clinical #radiology
Rachel Suk @rachelsuk · 6 years ago
Graduated with a B.S. in Psychobiology at UC Davis. Working as a Junior Specialist for the Duration of Untreated Psychosis (DUP) Project within the UC Davis TCAN Lab. Applying to the 2019-2020 medical school application cycle. Interests in Internal Medicine and Psychiatry.
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