Principal patterns of loss of sensation. (a) Thalamic lesion: sensory loss throughout opposite side (rare). (b) Brainstem lesion: contralateral sensory loss below face and ipsilateral loss on face. (c) Central cord lesion, e.g. syrinx: 'suspended' areas of loss, often asymmetrical and 'dissociated', i.e. pain and temperature loss but light touch intact. (d) Hemisection of cord/unilateral cord lesion = Brown—Séquard syndrome: contralateral spinothalamic (pain and temperature) loss with ipsilateral weakness and dorsal column loss below lesion. (e) Transverse cord lesion: loss of all modalities, including motor, below lesion. (f) Dorsal column lesion, e.g. MS: loss of proprioception, vibration and light touch. (g) Individual sensory root lesions, e.g. C6, T5, L4. (h) Polyneuropathy: distal sensory loss. #Diagnosis #Neurology #Patterns #Sensory #Sensation #Loss #Deficit #Distribution #BrownSequard #Bilaterality ** GrepMed Recommended Text: Comprehensive Review in Clinical Neurology -