Tuberculous Peritonitis- ...A computed tomographic scan obtained after the administration of contrast material showed a large amount of ascites, a thickened peritoneum, and multiple enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes (Panel A). Exploratory laparoscopy revealed numerous white, miliary nodules on the peritoneum and omentum (Panel B). Caseating granulomas with Langerhans giant cells were detected on peritoneal histopathological analysis. A specimen of an omental lesion was obtained on biopsy, and the results of PCR testing and culture of the tissue were positive for M. tuberculosis... #clinical #NEJM #radiology #CT #laparoscopy #tuberculous #peritonitis #tuberculosis
John Kevin Dayao @kevind · 6 years ago
MS3, UC San Diego School of Medicine Interested in pediatrics and community-based medicine.
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