Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Lymphadenitis: 

Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic fungal infection rare in the US, but endemic in Latin America. Head&neck, Lymph Nodes, and lungs are commonly involved. 

Lymph node entirely replaced with fibrosis 
(A) and well-formed granulomas (B). Yeast 
forms (arrows) can be seen within giant cells 
on H&E (C) or highlighted by GMS special 
stain (D). Note the characteristic pilot's 
wheel-like appearance of the budding 
Contributor: Dr. Geronimo Jr. 
@EC_SocforHemepath @GeronimoJrLapac 

#Paracoccidioides #brasiliensis #Lymphadenitis #Pathology #LymphNode #Clinical #Microscopy
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