Diffuse Sclerosis Variant—PTC 
 - Rare variant of PTC 
 - Approximately 3% ofall PTC 

 - Common in children and young adults 

 - May present as bilateral goiter 

 - Ultrasound shows multiple calcifications 
(can be mistaken for chronic 
lymphocytic thyroiditis) 

 - Cytology:  
Carcinoma cells arranged in nests 
Numerous psammoma bodies 
Foci of non-psammomatous 
Brisk lymphocytic infiltrate 
around the tumor cells 
Squamoid change in tumor nests 
Variable molecular profile- 
RET/PTC rearrangements 
V600e mutations. RET/PTC3 in 
patients with advanced disease. 
KIF5B/RET rearrangement is 
reported in a fatal tumor 

 - Dr. Zubair Baloch

#Diffuse #Sclerosis #Variant #PTC #Papillary #Thyroid #Cancer #Pathology #Clinical #Gross #Microscopy
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