Causes of Prolonged Emergence - Anesthesiology

Prolonged Drug Action:
• Overdose 
• Hypothermia (< 33 C) 
• Incr sensitivity 
• Decr protein binding 
• Redistribution 
• Drug interaction 

Metabolic Causes:
• Hypoxia / hypercapnia 
• Organ dysfunction 
    — hepatic 
    — renal 
    — endocrine 
• Hypoglycemia / hyperglycemia 
• HONK / diabetic ketoacidosis 
• Electrolyte imbalance: 
    — hyponatræmia 
    — hypocalcæmia 
    — hypomagnesæmia 
• Hypothermia (< 33 C) 
• Sepsis 
• Alcohol 

Neurologic Injury:
 • Intracranial: 
    — hæmorrhage 
    — contusion 
 • Cerebral embolus / ischæmia 
 • Seizure: 
    — subclinical 
    — post-ictal state 
 • Incr intracranial pressure 
 • Pneumocephalus 

Mark Harris, MD MPH @

#Prolonged #Emergence #Anesthesiology #Causes #Differential
Dr. Mark Harris @MarkHarrisMD · 5 years ago
Clinical faculty in Department of Anesthesiology at University of Utah Health. Tweets at
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