Dr. Mark Harris @MarkHarrisMD
116.1K 61 40
Clinical faculty in Department of Anesthesiology at University of Utah Health. https://medicine.utah.edu/anesthesi Tweets at https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD
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25 results
Venous Air Embolism / Entrapment

#Venous #AirEmbolism #Entrapment #VAE #anesthesiology #complications #pathophysiology #anesthesia
Venous Air Embolism / Entrapment #Venous #AirEmbolism #Entrapment #VAE #anesthesiology #complications #pathophysiology #anesthesia
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance vs Systemic Vascular Resistance

#Pulmonary #Vascular #Resistance #Systemic #Comparison #pulmonaryhypertension #PHTN #pathophysiology #anesthesiology #anesthesia
Pulmonary Vascular Resistance vs Systemic Vascular Resistance #Pulmonary #Vascular #Resistance #Systemic #Comparison #pulmonaryhypertension #PHTN #pathophysiology #anesthesiology #anesthesia #causes
Risk Factors Associated with Post-operative Pulmonary Complications 

• Asthma/ COPD 
• Recent respiratory infection 
Risk Factors Associated with Post-operative Pulmonary Complications Preoperative • Asthma/ COPD • Recent respiratory infection • Smoking (> 20 pkyr) • Obstructive sleep apnea • General poor state of health • > 70 year old • Poor nutritional status Intraoperative • Upper abdominal / thoracic surgery • General anesthesia • Duration of anesthesia > 3 hour • Use of pancuronium Postoperative • Immobilization • Poor pain control #RiskFactors #pulmonary #complications #PACU #postoperative #anesthesiology #anesthesia #surgery #causes
Coronary Oxygen Balance 

Myocardial Oxygen Demand <-> Coronary Artery Blood Flow <-> Oxygen Availability

#cardiac #oxygen #pathophysiology
Coronary Oxygen Balance Myocardial Oxygen Demand <-> Coronary Artery Blood Flow <-> Oxygen Availability #cardiac #oxygen #pathophysiology #anesthesia #anesthesiology #coronary #perfusion #balance
Prolonged neuromuscular blockade - Differential Diagnosis
- Drugs, Acid-base Disorders, Metabolic, Neurologic, Electrolyte abnormalities

By Mark Harris, MD
Prolonged neuromuscular blockade - Differential Diagnosis - Drugs, Acid-base Disorders, Metabolic, Neurologic, Electrolyte abnormalities By Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD #nmb #neuromuscular #blockade #Prolonged #Differential #Diagnosis #Anesthesiology #Causes #complications
Cheatsheet for Malignant Hyperthermia in Anesthesia 

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD

#Malignant #Hyperthermia #Anesthesia
Cheatsheet for Malignant Hyperthermia in Anesthesia - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD #Malignant #Hyperthermia #Anesthesia #Anesthesiology #Diagnosis #Management #Cheatsheet
Comparison of Common Muscular Dystrophies and Anesthesia Implications:
Muscular Dystrophy, Myotonic Dystrophy, Guillain Barre 

 - Mark
Comparison of Common Muscular Dystrophies and Anesthesia Implications: Muscular Dystrophy, Myotonic Dystrophy, Guillain Barre - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD #Muscular #Dystrophies #Dystrophy #Comparison #Anesthesiology #Myotonic #GuillainBarre #Diagnosis
Systematic changes affecting anesthesia in the obese patient.

 - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD

#Obesity #Anesthesiology
Systematic changes affecting anesthesia in the obese patient. - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD #Obesity #Anesthesiology #Anesthesia #Obese #Pathophysiology #Changes #Effects
Comparison Table of Induction Agents in Anesthesiology
 - Sodium thiopental 
 - Propofol 
 - Etomidate
Comparison Table of Induction Agents in Anesthesiology - Sodium thiopental - Propofol - Etomidate - Ketamine Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD #Induction #Agents #Anesthesiology #Pharmacology #Anesthesia #Comparison #Table
Hypothermia in Anesthesiology - Avoiding Hypothermia and Physiologic Changes with Hypothermia

Avoiding hypothermia: 

1. temperature in OR
Hypothermia in Anesthesiology - Avoiding Hypothermia and Physiologic Changes with Hypothermia Avoiding hypothermia: 1. temperature in OR 2. warming blanket 3. preheat iv fluids 4. low flow anesthesia 5. heated circuit humidifier - Mark Harris, MD MPH @ https://twitter.com/MarkHarrisMD #Hypothermia #Anesthesiology #Pathophysiology #Changes #Physiologic #Management #Anesthesia