REBEL Review 79: Treatment of Hemophilia 

Walkina Out of Pt Room, You Should Know... 
1. Type of Hemophilia 
2. Patient Weight 
3. Factor Activity 
4. Severity of Bleed 
5. Type of Factor 
6. Goal Replacement 

Units of Factor VIII Required: 
Weight (kg) x 0.5 x (% Activity Desired - % Intrinsic Activity*)
Units of Factor IX Required 
Weight (kg) x 1.0 x (% Activity Desired - % Intrinsic Activity*) 

#hemophilia #hematology #management #treatment #dosing #factor8 #factor9 #factorviii #factorix
Salim R. Rezaie, MD @srrezaie · 5 years ago
The creator and founder of REBEL EM and REBEL Cast, a free, critical appraisal blog and podcast that try to cut down knowledge translation time of research to bedside clinical practice. |
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