DOAC: Cheat Sheet - Atrial Fibrillation, VTE Prophylaxis, VTE and Renal Dosing

Renal Dosing:
Apixaban (25% renal clearance): If 2 of 3 - weight < 60kg, Creat > 1.5, Age > 80: 2.5 mg bid; dialysis patients 5mg bid
Dabigatran (80%): If CrCl 15-30 75 mg bid (most recommend alternative agent if CrCl < 50)
Edoxaban (50%): Approved for patients with CrCl < 95 ; 30mg/day if weight < 60kg, CrCl 15-50
Rivaroxaban (33%): VTE: CrCl < 30 do not use. AFib: CrCl 15-50: 15mg

- Dr. Tom DeLoughery @Bloodman

#DOAC #CheatSheet #Dosing #OralAnticoagulant #Anticoagulation #Hematology #Pharmacology #Apixaban #Rivaroxaban #Dabigatran #Edoxaban #NOAC
Dr. Gerald Diaz @GeraldMD · 5 years ago
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