Assessment of diabetic control:
 - Any episodes of hypoglycaemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, hospital admission? 
 - Is there still awareness of hypoglycaemia? 
 - Absence from school? School supportive of diabetes care? 
 - Interference with normal life? 
 - HbA1c results — 58 mmol/mol (7.5%) or less? 
 - Diary of blood glucose results — if monitoring, is he reacting to results? 
 - Insulin regimen — appropriate? Correction bolus doses given? 
 - Lipohypertrophy or lipoatrophy (Fig. 25.6a and b) at injection sites? 
 - Diet — healthy diet, manipulating food intake and insulin to maintain good control? 

General overview (periodic): 
 - Normal growth and pubertal development, avoiding obesity — measure each visit 
 - Blood pressure check for hypertension yearly (age-specific centiles) 
 - Renal disease — screening for microalbuminuria yearly from 12 years 
 - Eyes — photography for retinopathy or cataracts, yearly from 12 years 
 - Feet — maintaining good care — yearly 
 - Screening for coeliac and thyroid disease at diagnosis, thyroid screening yearly, coeliac again after 3 years or if weight gain poor. 
 - Annual reminder to have flu vaccination 

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